The other night I was thinking about the 'theory of evolution and survival of the fittest...' and realized that nature (more specifically, the chosen apparel of cowboys) is weeding the cowboy gene out of the human genome. Usually, species flourish according to their ability to survive and reproduce. And cowboys may not be passing along their genetic wrangling information as well as the next man. I once overheard an old cowpoke saying, "H***, Roy. I've been sterile since I was six. But I love my butt tight wranglers. (took a sip of coffee from a tin cup) Yup, and I ain't never gonna stop." end quote. There it is, straight from the old coot's mouth. He basically said, "...my... wranglers [made me]...sterile." So, what I am saying is that their pants are too tight. Now, I don't want to go into the grisly details, but their pants... their horrible pants are making them more sterile than a doctor's office. And you know what that means. No more baby cowboys. That's right, buckaroos. Science can be a bi***. And it just bit you in your wranglered a**.