Shogun Syndrome is a complex disorder, thus it would be impossible to name every single characteristic. There is, however, one symptom that is definitely worth mentioning, the inability to produce tears. Actually, more correctly put, the absence of tear production. Many believe this to be due to malformed tear ducts and glands, but they are grossly mistaken. A Shogun's tear ducts, like every other physical, mental, and spiritual aspect of the Shogun, are developed to utmost perfection. In fact, a Shogun's glands would likely produce tears that are super concentrated, with either sadness or joy, that could fire out of their ducts at the velocity of 'feeling' and 'caring' (proposed to break the sound barrier) (We don't know though, because we've never seen a Shogun cry, not even for the sake of science). Thus concentrated, their tears would burn their enemies as if acid. So, simply put, it is not that they cannot cry, but rather that they choose not to. And it is for your own good. And mine.