It's me, Bob. You know, Bob Chestnut? From the past... ring any bells with you? (Oh yes, I know that you still have bells.) I know a lot about you and I dare say that I'm undeniably disappointed in you. First of all, what everyone is asking, where are all the FLYING CARS?!!! I mean we gave you all the time in the world and you still come up with nothing?! Then what good are you? Why do I even bother to waste my time dreaming about you?! Laying down every minute, one by one, in anticipation of your 'blessed' arrival?!!!
Next up, moon/mars colonies. Wow. Can I say that you really blew that one? We learned a valuable lesson in our couple of weeks on the red planet, "It's all fun and games until we run clean out of oxygen." I wonder how you're gonna explain that one when 'all is said and done.'
Last, for today, Robot Holocaust. How many movies, man? Hundreds! Literally hundreds. All of which had one "subtle" message, "STAY THE HE** AWAY FROM ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!!!" Why couldn't you just listen?! Learn from the past, Future!!!
This is not respectfully submitted,