I had a dream last night about a terrible doughnut shortage. I really like old-fashioned doughnuts and I guess I fell asleep hungry or something because I went from one place to another looking for just one heaven sent, glazed bit of happiness . Everywhere I went there was a 'Sold Out' sign and a plate with a few crumbs left on it. It was depressing. I woke up craving a doughnut for breakfast. I told Michelle about my dream and she began to tell me about the dream she had last night. She was a gymnast competing in the Olympics. She won a gold medal. That was her dream.
Do you see it? Do you see the difference? We both have aspirations, but Michelle's are higher than mine. She's an Olympian and I'm Homer Simpson. The upside though is that mine was an attainable dream. I wanted a doughnut, so I went out this morning and got us some doughnuts and they were DELIGHTFUL!