Some do it for the money and some do it because they care. But as for me. Why did I do it? Well, I did it for all the free food they keep giving me. And I don't care that most of it is Little Caesar's pizza (like that ever killed anyone). I am a red-blooded american man! That means my heart, my head, and my stomach are pretty much synonymous. I love food. It's wonderful. And when it is free it becomes even better. It becomes magical! Food. Food. Food. And the occasional Cafe Rio, Indian, Thai, Panini, and assorted breakfast foods are just icing on the cake.
Interested in medicine?... Jump in, boys. The water's fine!
Ain't that the truth! I think I've only had to bring a lunch twice in 4 or 5 weeks. Iss goooood.
The cost of food is actually factored into your tuition. You didn't really think an education alone costs 50 grand did you?! If you itemize costs educational fees only come to about 12 grand. Like I've told you: eating out is expensive!!
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