Saturday, November 13, 2010

If it's yellow, let it mellow

On several nights out of the week I study in the Physical Therapy building. It is close to my home and I have access because our cadaver lab is in the basement. Tonight I went to the bathroom and all the urinals were unflushed. Now I would expect that kind of thing if it were a chiropractor building (hypopthetically speaking of course, because most 'chiros' in training meet in the woods) or something holistic like that (burn), but I expected more from the PT students. I have two H words for them. First, Hygiene. Practice it. Second, Hydration. If it comes out brown, drink more water. (And if it comes out bright neon green, drop the multivitamin.) I guess the argument could be made that the PTs were trying to conserve water. I would answer by saying that if they really wanted to conserve they should have all shared the same urinal. You know, four to five guys per flush. Or, I heard that urine can be recycled without becoming toxic for humans for at least a few days. So they could just use a reusable bottle.


Bradwich said...

I don't hesitate to admit that what you have described is one of my pet PEEves. It drives me nuts when people don't flush. Is it that hard? And it's not like the university uses a septic tank--come on!

Bob Chestnut said...

I should have added that that particular bathroom has not one, not two, but four urinals. Four. I promptly flushed all of them (while holding my breath). Did I let my pee mingle with theirs? No. No, I did not.

Bradwich said...

Same thing happened all too often in the MARB. Even with three urinals and two normal toilets it was a problem.

And good man. The shame of mixing pee with a non-flusher is nigh insurmountable.