Monday, December 20, 2010

Picking a winner

About a month ago I wrote a post about the upcoming movie Cowboys & Aliens. Well, the other night while waiting outside the theater to see TRON (future post), I saw this poster.

And then I looked again...

Wow. Wranglers are meant to be tight (see Where have all the cowboys gone?), but they were never meant to do that. 


Eric said...

I hope this isn't the new style. This is one trend I will refuse to conform to!

Bradwich said...

In a movie about Cowboys and Aliens, you have to do something to get the ladies there.

M said...

I second Brad's comment. I wasn't so sure I was going to go see this until I noticed Daniel Craig's A#$. Opening night, baby!

Jack said...

Great reviews ! I am gonna to watch this movie tonight. I wish i will also enjoy it and have great blast there :))
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